Local Attractions
- The M/S Mt. Washington Cruise Ship, http://www.cruisenh.com/
- The Winnipesaukee Playhouse Theatre, http://www.winnipesaukeeplayhouse.org/
- The New Hampshire Boat Museum http://www.nhbm.org/
- Clarks Trading Post http://www.clarkstradingpost.
com/ - Laconia Antique Center http://www.
thelaconiaantiquecenter.com/ - Storyland Amusement Park http://www.storylandnh.com/
- Castle in the Clouds http://www.castleintheclouds.
org/ - Ruggles Mine http://www.rugglesmine.com/
- Mt. Washington Auto Road http://www.
mtwashingtonautoroad.com/ - Santa’s Village http://www.santasvillage.com/
- Conway Scenic Railroad http://www.conwayscenic.com/
- The Winnipesaukee Belle Tour Boat http://www.winnipesaukeebelle.
com/ - Funspot Arcade and Amusement Park http://www.funspotnh.com/
- Moose and Nature Tours http://www.moosetoursnh.com/
- Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad http://www.HoboRR.com/